Saint Barbara - Patron Saint of Miners

According to legend, Barbara was the lovely and intelligent daughter of a wealthy heathen named Dioscorus who lived near Nicomedia in Asia Minor. (Turkey)
Her father sought out the best teachers for his daughter and she was tutored in arts, sciences and the traditional Greco-Roman faith. One of her tutors was a Christian who secretly introduced Barbara to the Christian faith.
Because of her beauty and fearful that she may be demanded in marriage and taken away from him, Dioscorus jealously shut her up in a high and strong tower.
Shortly before embarking on a journey, he commissioned a bathhouse to be built for her, approving of the design before he left. She directed the builders to redesign the bathhouse, adding another window so that the three windows might symbolise the Holy trinity.
When her father returned, he was enraged at the changes and infuriated when Barbara acknowledged that she was a Christian. He turned her over to the Roman authorities who scourged her, but her wounds healed immediately.
She was taken before the prefect Martinianus, a historical figure noted for his brutality. Softened by her beauty, Martinianus gave her a choice. “Spare yourself and offer to the gods or else die by cruel torments.” Barbara replied, “I offer to my God Jesus Christ.” She was taken away, tortured and condemned to die.
Demented by his misfortunes, Dioscorus took his own daughter’s life with a blow from his sword. Afterwards, he was struck by lightning and his body consumed.
Saint Barbara was martyred in 306 AD. Her legend did not emerge until the 7th century. The legend of the lightning bolt caused her to be regarded as the patron saint in time of danger from thunderstorms, fires and sudden death. When gunpowder made its appearance in the Western world, Saint Barbara was invoked for aid against accidents resulting from explosions.
She became the patron, not only to miners, but also artillerymen, builders, stonemasons, gravediggers and sailors. Mines, mountains, churches and other places bear her name. St Barbara’s feast day, December 4th, appears on the most ancient holy day calendars. The feast of St Barbara is celebrated throughout central Europe, in Spain, in mining areas of Latin America, and other places in the World.
The prayer to Saint Barbara: “As I now descend into the dark bowels of the earth, I beseech thee, sweet Barbara, that I be kept safe from harm, for it liketh me not that I rush unbidden into God’s presence.”